I don’t know what Claire stands for. I mean, to me what she stands for is hatred. She’s just discriminatory on every aspect. All I think about her is someone trying to make money and just create hatred and be—she’s like a spoiled child trying to be right about something that—I'm kind of like, why are you doing that?
When I came and worked here, at Golden Era, you know, someone—when you’re family, you’re very tight. But she was always like, never let you totally in. So I always felt like we were never close because she was always, you know—there was not a lot of love there. But our family, we’re Irish. You love, you know, everything—you’re family. So, family is very tight and there’s a lot of, there’s a lot of love, that’s just how the family is, you know what I mean. So it was always kind of funny to me that she could always—it was kind of like this aloofness and I was like, “Okay, fine,” you know what I mean, like, whatever. Like, I was closer to a lot more of the other family than her and a lot more of the staff here just because you weren’t—you weren’t like an aside to them, you know what I mean.
I know that her husband was stealing and doing things that were definitely not okay and violating many things of the Church and she was too. She had done several violations of things that you just don’t do—scriptural procedures that she absolutely did wrong, knowingly. And did things that, you know, that are just not okay in any standard of anything. So all I can say is, she’s like a scorned woman or scorned child, you know. Like, they know they did something wrong but they’re trying to be right. And she’s this person, you know, crying wolf when she knows exactly what she did, and she knows exactly why she is doing what she’s doing. And she’s trying to be right about something that she knows full well, full well, that she’s not right about. And now she’s just fabricating stuff because she wants money.
Like, this is not a person who actually cares. You know, like when my grandma died and I was flying out there—and she had been there before I arrived, I arrived later. They [family] were all out at dinner and I said, “Well how did it go?” And, you know, my dad saying, “Well, she’s”—they’re at the wake and they’re at dinner and she just starts railing on her stepfather, just like hysterically railing. I mean, this is at my grandma’s funeral. Like nasty, nasty, like, “What are you doing?” Her mom just lost her mom, “Why can’t you just be nice?” I mean, they just lost—you know, we lost our grandma and they lost their mother and she’s trying to make it into some family feud. This is just—is a despicable thing, it’s not what you do at such events. So, you know, my dad and brother were like, “Whoa.” This is not like—you know, my dad was grieving the loss of his mother. And there’s this, you know, it’s her grandma but she’s not, you know— they lost their mother and she’s there trying to make it about herself.
Well, if she’s so into family and if she actually cared then why is she doing everything that she’s doing? This is our religion. Why is she going in there, like, she’s just lying. She’s to me, frankly, she’s like a human rights violator. I mean it’s our religion and she’s like outright railing against it. And you are like, “Who are you? What are you trying to do?” That’s already someone who couldn’t care about family, because when you care about family you respect what they believe in and you respect what they do and who they are and that they make choices for what they think and feel. And she obviously doesn’t because that’s not what she’s doing.
And her brothers and sister—her brother and her sisters are doing really well and so is her mom. And I’m like, “Why would you do that? Why would you rail against something that you know is very near and dear and her family’s religion?” If she did care about her family, she wouldn’t ever do that, because you love despite all. And I’m like, this is not someone who must truly care. She obviously doesn’t or she wouldn’t do that. And it’s all hate and spite and that’s her game. And that’s not—that’s not what the family is.